
Upper Valley
Disposal & Recycling Services




Our customer service team is available to answer questions about your residential, multifamily or commercial garbage, recycling, or compostables collection services and billing. We are proud to offer a variety of ways to contact us.

Office Holidays:
Our office is closed on: New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, The Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, & Christmas Day.

Collection Service Holidays:
No collection on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.


Clover Flat Resource Recovery Park

Billing and Payments Terms & Conditions

Please contact us immediately if you have questions or find errors on your bill. Any disputed charges must be reported within 30 days from the date of this statement in order for corrections to be made. Any disputes after 30 days may not be considered.

Upper Valley Disposal & Recycling customers are billed as follows:

  • Statements are sent to residential and commercial customers as follows:
    • Residential customers: Billed quarterly in advance for three months of service on the 1st of January, April, July, and October.
    • Commercial customers: Billed monthly in arrears on the 1st of each month for service provided the month prior.

Payment is due by the 25th of each billing cycle, unless otherwise stated.

  • Accounts with a 60-day balance are subject to service interruption and an administration fee. To prevent an interruption in service and fees, please pay your balance in full by the due date. Service will not be reinstated until all charges and fees have been paid in full.
  • A finance charge computed at the periodic rate of 1.5% monthly (18% annual percentage rate) will be applied to past due balances of 30 days or more. Account balances that go unpaid will be sent to a collection agency.

Cancellation, Moving, Non-Payment Stop Service Policy

  • We will continue to bill and service until we receive notice of cancellation. Please phone our office to cancel service. Do not write on the bill. You will be responsible for all charges incurred up to and including the day of cancellation.
  • We will pick up your containers on your last day of collection after they are emptied. Fees will be assessed for containers not retrieved.
  • Service Holds are not allowed.
  • Notify us immediately of any billing address changes.


Payment Options

UVDS offers our customers a variety of convenient bill pay options. If you have questions about your bill, please call and ask to speak with a customer service representative.

GO PAPERLESS (Endorsed by Trees) Paperless is the most environmentally friendly way to pay your bill. Bills will be sent by e-mail. Even if you choose to pay your bill with a check via the mail or by calling our office, you can still choose to receive a paperless e-mail statement and will have access to 12 months of account history.

Contact UVDS

Pay by Phone

You may use a credit card and pay over the phone to make payments on your account.
MasterCard, Visa, and American Express cards are accepted.
Call us to make a payment over the phone between the hours of 8:00am and 4:30pm at 707-963-7988.

Pay by Mail

Send a check including the remittance section on the bottom of the bill to:
P.O. BOX 7428

Pay Online

Enrolling in auto pay will save you time, effort, postage and most importantly reduce paper waste. UVDS will still mail or e-mail (if you choose paperless) a statement. The bill will show the amount you owe for your billing period and include the date it will be paid for the credit card on file for the account.

UVDS Online Bill Pay ExamplePlease note, to sign up for and use online bill pay, you will be leaving the UVD&R website and entering the secure Bend Mailing Service billing website.

IMPORTANT: In order to register for online or automatic payments you will need a Unique User ID #. Your number will automatically be included on your 1st regular billing statement.


View our collection and events calendar.

Job Openings

Visit our jobs page to view career opportunities with Upper Valley Disposal & Recycling.


Read the answers to our frequently asked questions.

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)

Dispose of materials like batteries, paints and household cleaners properly at the Napa County HHW Facility.

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