
Your gray* cart is hauled to Clover Flat Landfill and is not sorted for recyclables. Save resources and potentially save money by sorting materials properly!
Garbage/Landfill carts are available in 32, 64, 96-gallon sizes. If your cart is not big enough, you may upsize your garbage cart or add an additional cart for an increased monthly rate.
What’s the right size for you?
- 32-Gallon Cart holds approximately 3 tall kitchen bags.
- 64-Gallon Cart holds approximately 4 or 5 tall kitchen bags.
- 96-Gallon Cart holds approximately 7 or 8 tall kitchen bags.
*The only container sizes available are a 96-gallon cart for single family homes or a 32-gallon cart for homes with limited space.
Your blue cart is for recyclables only. Please make sure recyclables are relatively clean and dry.
The only container size available is a 96-gallon cart.
Compost (Green Waste/Food Scraps)
Your green cart is for compost materials only.
Compost (formerly known as green waste) is for green waste, food scraps, and non-coated food soiled paper only.
The only container size available is a 96-gallon cart.