
Upper Valley
Disposal & Recycling Services

Residential Services

Service Information

Residential customers receive many services that are “bundled” into the monthly service rate. The monthly rate is determined by the size of the garbage cart. These include:

  • Weekly curbside collection of garbage, mixed recycling, and compost carts.
  • On-call bulky item, e-waste, appliance and household battery collection
  • On-call used motor oil and oil filter collection
  • Compost giveaways at community events (dates will be posted on the website)
  • E-waste and Document Shredding services at three events (dates will be posted on the website)

Contact UVDS

Need to Set Up Service?

Please contact our office at 707-963-7988 to set up service. You may also download our Getting Started Guide to learn more about our residential services.

Change or Stop Service

To make changes to your service or discontinue service, please contact our office at 707-963-7988.
Residential Start Guide PDF Thumbnail
Download our Residential Start Guide
Residential Start Guide Spanish Thumbnail
Download our Residential Start Guide

Collection Service

Our residential services include a 3-cart system: garbage, mixed recycling, and compost (yard waste & food scraps) collected weekly.

Pricing is based on the size garbage cart you choose. 

You get all three weekly services plus more for one monthly rate!

Residential Cart Options

When you set up service, a customer service representative will review the cart and size options with you to help you select the appropriate size garbage/landfill cart for your needs. Services are billed four (4) times per year and include three (3) months of service.

Collection Guidelines

Carts are serviced one time per week on a designated day depending on where you live.

Upper Valley Disposal & Recycling uses fully automated trucks to help improve collection efficiency and reduce costs. These trucks have a mechanical arm that reaches out and wraps around the carts, lifts them up, and empties the cart’s contents into the top of the truck. Because of this, it is essential they are placed out for collection correctly.

Proper Placement of carts on curb

Cart Set-out Rules

  • Please place all carts at the roadside or the designated collection location the night before your collection day with the wheels away from the road. Carts should not be angled.
  • Leave 3 feet between carts and place them 3 feet from cars, power poles, mail boxes, trees or other objects.
  • The area should be free of overhead branches and /or power lines.
  • Do not overfill carts. Lids must close completely to prevent contents from littering the roadways during the emptying process. Please remember that any materials extending beyond the rim of any cart will be subject to an extra charge or your cart may not be emptied.
  • Do not compact any waste into carts. Contents must be able to fall freely from cart when it is turned upside down.
  • Bag all cold ashes (no hot ashes please!), kitty litter, sawdust, and Styrofoam before placing in the cart.
  • Carts that are not set out on time or customers that want to skip their collection are not eligible for credit. Our trucks are equipped with onboard computers and cameras that record the times we arrive at your address and empty each cart.
  • Private Property Collection may be available for additional fees providing our trucks can safely drive on the property. An operations supervisor will have to do a site visit to determine if this is feasible.

Extra Garbage/Recycling/Green Waste

If you have extra garbage, recycling or green waste that does not fit inside your cart or bin, you must call or email the Upper Valley Disposal & Recycling office at least one (1) business day before your collection day. 

  • You must call or email the office so a work order can be created to instruct the driver to collect the extras. No bags will be collected without a work order.
  • There is a charge for extra bags of garbage, recycling and or green waste.
  • No more than 3 bags may be placed out and we ask that the bags not be larger than 32 gallons or weigh more than 30 pounds.
  • Extra garbage must be placed in plastic bags and tied tightly to prevent contents from spilling onto the roadways.
  • Extra green waste must be placed in special recyclable yard waste paper bags or BPI certified compostable plastic bags that can be purchased at your local hardware store. Regular plastic bags will be handled as garbage.
  • If you find you have extra bags more than occasionally, consider upsizing your garbage container.

On occasion, our driver might tag your cart/bin when a can is overloaded and the lid is not closed. A picture will be taken and a charge will be added to your account for extra bags and/or extra yards overfull for bins. If the container is so overfull that emptying it may result in materials littering the street, the cart/bin will not be emptied.


Collection Issues

Upper Valley Disposal uses fully automated trucks to help improve collection efficiency and reduce costs. These trucks have a mechanical arm that reaches out and wraps around the carts them up, and empties the cart’s content into the top of the truck. Because of this, it is essential they are placed out for collection correctly.

Bins are emptied using front loader trucks. It is important that there are no obstacles above or around the bin that will prevent it from being safely emptied.


Missed Collection

We make every effort to emptying your container(s) on your service day, but on occasion, we may miss you. We apologize if this happens.

  • If our driver skips collection, please call our office within two business days so we can return at no cost to you.
  • If your miss is discovered after office hours, you can leave us a message through our contact form.
  • We are all human and may accidently forgot to set-out our containers for collection. If this happens, please call our office hours and let us know. We can offer a one-time courtesy fee waiver and allow you to set out an extra bag the next pick-up day equal to your missed collection without charge. If you cannot wait until the next week to set-out extra garbage, we can go back and empty the cart(s) for an additional fee. 
  • There are other instances when your container(s) may not be emptied. This may be because the container was not out, or it was blocked by something that prevented us from safely emptying it, or the container had prohibited items. If this was the case, we will leave you a notice with instructions on how to correct the problem (such as the cart was not out, the container was blocked, or the contents of the container had prohibited materials). We can return to empty the container for an additional fee per container.

Damaged or Missing Container

To report a damaged or missing container, call our office or email us through our contact form.

Upper Valley Disposal will replace containers damaged from our equipment or that are broken due to normal wear and tear. Carts should last at least 7 years and bins should last about 10 years.

Containers should never be towed behind vehicles or dragged for long distances since this will damage the wheels and they will need to be replaced at a cost to the customer.

Contact UVDS

Rates & Billing

Billing for residential service is based on your trash cart size and is billed quarterly, in advance. Service rates are set by the city/town or county and voted on by the council members as part of the agreement between Upper Valley Waste Management Agency and Upper Valley Disposal & Recycling.  Basic roadside and private property rates are shown below.  Rates effective July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.

Residential Monthly Service Rates

Residential Additional One-Time Fees In All Areas

Fee Name Description Rate
Administrative Fee-Residential Charge per occurrence for when stopped for non-payment $45.15
Cart Not Returned Customer moved without returning carts $83.85
Cart Contamination Fee Per occurrence AFTER 3rd strike $38.71
Extra Bag Fee Per bag of trash, compost, and recycling $14.19
Redelivery Fee Per occurrence for delivery of carts for accounts stopped for non-payment $96.75
Replace Cart Fee Customer damaged or not returned $83.85
Return Check Fee For billing use when check returned $36.89
Return trip off day Per occurrence off day $96.75
Return trip fee same day Per occurrence same day $32.26
Special Collection Trip Fee Per occurrence for bulky item collection $45.15

Billing & Payments

Billing for residential service is based on your trash cart size and is billed quarterly, in advance.

Billing cycles are January, April, July, and October. 

Private Property Collection may be available for additional fees providing our trucks can safely drive on the property. An operations supervisor will have to do a site visit to determine if this is feasible.

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