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Upper Valley
Disposal & Recycling Services

Commercial Garbage/Landfill Service

Upper Valley Disposal & Recycling provides gray carts, bins, or boxes for the collection of garbage (non-recyclable and non-compostable) items. 

All materials in the designated garbage carts or bins go directly to Clover Flat Landfill and is not sorted for recyclables.

As of January 1, 2022, you must sort your recyclables and organic waste including paper, cardboard, yard waste, food scraps, and food soiled paper from the garbage. It’s the law!

Garbage/Landfill Cart(s) or Bin(s)

Put all your garbage into your designated cart(s) or bin(s). Do not overfill; make sure that the lid closes securely.

*Please note, the brown garbage cart will be changing to gray in the near future due to a new law SB 1383, that mandates standardizing the colors of containers for garbage, recycling, and organic materials. 

To see available cart or bin sizes, set out rules and how to stop, start or change service, visit the Commercial Services page.

What Belongs in Garbage

Only place materials that cannot be reused or recycled in your trash.

Save resources and potentially save money by sorting materials properly!

Below are a few of the things that belong in your garbage/landfill cart(s) or bin(s). This list is not exhaustive.

What Doesn’t Belong in Garbage

No food, recyclables, or household hazardous waste in garbage.

Below are a few of the things that do not belong in your garbage / landfill cart(s) or bin(s). This list is not exhaustive.

*Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) items such as fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) or tubes, batteries, paint, pesticides, cleaning products or electronics should be taken to the County of Napa HHW Facility.

Missed Collection

We make every effort to emptying your container(s) on your service day, but on occasion, we may miss you. We apologize if this happens.

  • If our driver skips collection, please call our office within two business days so we can return at no cost to you.
  • If your miss is discovered after office hours, you can leave us a message through our contact form.
  • We are all human and may accidently forgot to set-out our containers for collection. If this happens, please call our office hours and let us know. We can offer a one-time courtesy fee waiver and allow you to set out an extra bag the next pick-up day equal to your missed collection without charge. If you cannot wait until the next week to set-out extra garbage, we can go back and empty the cart(s) for an additional $25 per cart and $75 per bin.
  •  There are other instances when your container(s) may not be emptied. This may be because the container was not out, or it was blocked by something that prevented us from safely emptying it, or the container had prohibited items. If this was the case, we will leave you a notice with instructions on how to correct the problem (such as the cart was not out, the container was blocked, or the contents of the container had prohibited materials). We can return to empty the container for an additional fee per container.

Contact UVDS

Extra Garbage/Recycling/Green Waste

If you have extra garbage, recycling or green waste that does not fit inside your cart or bin, you must call or email the Upper Valley Disposal & Recycling office at least one (1) business day before your collection day. 

  • You must call or email the office so a work order can be created to instruct the driver to collect the extras. No bags will be collected without a work order.
  • There is a charge for extra bags of garbage, recycling and or green waste.
  • No more than 3 bags may be placed out and we ask that the bags not be larger than 32 gallons or weigh more than 30 pounds.
  • Extra garbage must be placed in plastic bags and tied tightly to prevent contents from spilling onto the roadways.
  • Extra green waste must be placed in special recyclable yard waste paper bags or BPI certified compostable plastic bags that can be purchased at your local hardware store. Regular plastic bags will be handled as garbage.
  • If you find you have extra bags more than occasionally, consider upsizing your garbage container.

On occasion, our driver might tag your cart/bin when a can is overloaded and the lid is not closed. A picture will be taken and a charge will be added to your account for extra bags and/or extra yards overfull for bins. If the container is so overfull that emptying it may result in materials littering the street, the cart/bin will not be emptied.


Have more than a few extra bags to get rid of?

We rent debris boxes and clean-up helper bins for your home clean up or remodeling project.

Napa Compost Sales!

We sell compost made from the food scraps and yard waste we collect.

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)

Dispose of materials like batteries, paints and household cleaners properly at the Napa County HHW Facility.